Call for Applications: Non-EU Teaching Mobility Program at the University of Vienna 2020-21

The University of Vienna, Austria is inviting applications to the Non-EU Teaching Mobility Program 2020-21 which supports short-term teaching visits by faculty members in humanities, law, theology, social sciences, natural sciences, and life sciences of partner universities.

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Call for applications: The University of Sydney – 2020 Sydney China Visitors Program (Deadline: 3 May 2019)

The University of Sydney (USyd) is inviting application to the 2020 Sydney China Visitors Program which supports faculty members to build/strengthen their collaboration with USyd.

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Call for Applications: Technical University of Munich (TUM) Visiting Professor Program

The application for the Visiting Professor Program at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany is now open. Faculty members are greatly encouraged to make use of this opportunity to explore collaborations with TUM.

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Call for Applications: ACU Fellowships 2019 (Deadline: 8 May 2019)

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Fellowships are now open for application.

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Latest Office of Academic Links eNewsletter is Now Available

Our e-newsletter, GlobaLinks, provides information about the University’s efforts in establishing international links and student exchange programmes, and its presence in overseas academic activities. The latest issue (March 2019, issue no. 39) is now available. Highlights from this issue: – CUHK deepening ties with world-leading institutes for transdisciplinary medical robotics research – Vice-Chancellor speaks at […]

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Scholarship for Postgraduate Programme in the UK

The MSc Sustainable Development is a 1-year programme offered by the University of Exeter. Based on the Penryn Campus in Cornwall, the programme explores the economic, environmental, and social issues surrounding sustainability policy. There are four pathways which students may pursue, including Environment, Human Health and Wellbeing; Environmental Change; Sustainability and Governance; and Managing Complex […]

By OAL CUHK | Announcements

Call for applications: Faculty and PhD Student Mobility Schemes for 2019–20

The Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme and PhD Student Mobility Schemes for 2019–20 are open for application. Applications should reach the Office of Academic Links by the respective deadlines.   A. Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme (For faculty members; Deadline: Wednesday, 10 April 2019) The Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme encourages faculty members to engage in outbound and […]

By OAL CUHK | Announcements