
Office of Academic Links

The Office of Academic Links (OAL) serves as the international relations arm for the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). It promotes and supports the University’s internationalisation strategy in research and education, with a view to strengthening its impact and visibility on the global stage, and enriching the international exposure and inter-cultural experience of students.

OAL comprises dedicated teams working in the University’s international engagements and student exchange programmes. Some of its key functions include:

  • Drive and develop academic initiatives in line with the University’s internationalisation strategy.
  • Build and coordinate partnerships and agreements with institutions and organisations worldwide.
  • Represent CUHK and promote its presence in a number of international networks and associations, and engage the CUHK community in their activities.
  • Establish, manage, and promote regular term-time exchange and short-term study abroad programmes to shape CUHK students into tomorrow’s global citizens.
  • Host incoming exchange and study abroad students at CUHK, ensure their wellbeing, and facilitate their integration with the CUHK and Hong Kong communities.
  • Provide guidance, care, and assistance to both outgoing and incoming students. Administer financial aids to support CUHK students on exchange and work to secure funding for this cause.
  • Plan for and host international delegation visits to foster collaborations.
  • Develop and administer visitorship and fellowship schemes for faculty members and research students to support teaching and research collaborations.

The Office of Academic Links provides secretariat support to various committees, serving the University in steering internationalisation strategies, driving engagement in the Worldwide Universities Network, setting policy guidelines for academic links development, devising institutional policies and practices pertinent to student exchanges, and facilitating faculty and PhD student mobility. These committees include:

  • Steering Committee for Global Engagement
  • Committee on Academic Links
  • Committee on Student Exchange
  • Worldwide Universities Network Steering Committee

For enquiries on these Committees and their mandates, please contact Ms. Shally Fan, Director of Academic Links.


This commemorative book records they dynamic dialogues and memorable moments from the CUHK Diamond Jubilee University Presidents’ Forum which took place during 8-10 December 2023.

Every year OAL publishes the Annual Report on International Linkage and Education Activities to reflect CUHK’s progress in fostering internationalisation. The Annual Report provides detailed statistics in the following aspects:

  • Incoming and outgoing exchanges
  • International summer school
  • Student exchange financial aid and scholarship scheme
  • Short-term study and internship programmes outside Hong Kong
  • Incoming visits
  • Outreach trips
  • Incoming and outgoing fellowship programmes
  • New partnerships and programmes

Annual Reports (Executive summary only):

For details of the Annual Reports, please contact Ms. Amy Chan, Assistant Director, Office of Academic Links.

The GlobaLinks provides information on the University’s efforts in establishing international links and student exchange programmes, and its presence in overseas academic activities.   


The CUHK eNews provides the latest updates about the University to international partners, featuring its teaching and research achievements, student accomplishments, ongoing developments and key events.


The brochure gives an overview on CUHK, specifically on its teaching and learning, research excellence, and global engagements.

The brochure highlights the academic and cultural programmes for prospective students who are interested in undertaking exchange at CUHK.

The brochure introduces exchange programmes and options to CUHK students looking to undertake exchange at one of the University’s partners worldwide.

The brochure introduces the learning opportunities offered by the CUHK International Summer School in the summer of 2025.

People at OAL


Ms. Shally FAN
Director of Academic Links


Ms. Shally Fan is Director of Academic Links at CUHK. She promotes and supports the University’s global engagement strategy in research and education with a view to strengthening its impact and visibility on the global stage and enriching the international exposure and intercultural experience of students. She oversees all aspects of global engagement at the University, including teaching and research partnerships, strategic alliances and networks, collaborative agreements, as well as student and faculty mobility, among other programmes and initiatives.

Ms. Fan received her BA from The University of Adelaide and MCom from the University of South Australia. She joined the Office of Academic Links at CUHK in 2001 to manage the University’s student exchange programmes. Since then, she has expanded the scope and number of the global engagement programmes for faculty and students.  Ms. Fan is a frequent speaker in international education forums and served on the Board of Directors of the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education during December 2015 to June 2017.

Ms. Kanus CHEN Assistant to Director

International Academic Exchanges

Ms. Amy CHAN Assistant Director – Global engagement; Programme development; International academic collaborations; Outreach; Communications; Networks
Ms. Yvonne HEUNG Senior Manager – Partnership/MOU development and related protocols; Overseas delegation visits; Outreach programmes; Worldwide Universities Network (WUN)
Ms. Olivia KWOK Programme Manager – Programme development and administration; Scholarships, fellowships and visitorships; E-newsletter
Ms. Karen FAN Programme Associate – Overseas delegation visits; Outreach programmes; Record compilation & maintenance
General Enquiries General enquiries about international academic exchanges

Student Exchange Programmes

Ms. Ingrid LO Assistant Director – Student exchange systems; Financial aids and scholarships; Manager of student exchanges in the Americas
Mr. Louis WONG Senior Manager – Americas; International Summer School
Ms. Nicole Lee Assistant Programme Manager – Americas; International Summer School Cultural Experiences
Ms. Heidi O Assistant Programme Manager – Europe and South Africa; Incoming Exchange Logistics
Ms. Frances SO Assistant Programme Manager – Asia and Oceania; Outgoing Exchange Logistics
Ms. Zita LUI Assistant Programme Manager – Stanford University BOSP; APRU Virtual Student Exchange Programme; Exchange financial support
Mr. Ron PANG Student Advisor – Americas and ISEP
Ms. Jessica POON Student Advisor – Asia and Oceania
Ms. Natalia CHAN Student Advisor – Europe and South Africa
General Enquiries General enquiries about student exchange programmes

Student Exchange Programmes – Processing team

Ms. Stella WONG Programme Associate – Incoming exchange applications; Student exchange database & statistics

Summer Programmes

Ms. Wendy CHAN Assistant Programme Manager – Summer Institute
Mr. Louis WONG Senior Manager – International Summer School
General Enquiries General enquiries about summer programmes

Directions to CUHK and OAL

Hong Kong is a vibrant and convenient city to live. The cost of public transportation is affordable and efficiently connects all parts of the city. Several means of transportation will take you to the CUHK campus from the Hong Kong International Airport.

By Taxi

The trip from the airport to the CUHK campus is about 45 minutes. The fare is around HK$300. Most taxi drivers in Hong Kong understand some English. The following text will come in handy:

“The Chinese University of Hong Kong (香港中文大學)”

By Airport Bus and Taxi/MTR train

Take airport bus route number A41 from the airport to Shatin Station. The bus runs from 06:00 to 24:00 at 20-minute intervals. The Shatin Central Bus Terminal is not the terminal stop for the bus, so ask the driver where to get off or pay attention to the announcement. The bus ride takes 65–70 minutes depending on traffic conditions. The fare is currently HK$22.3 payable on boarding bus in exact change.

Connected by:

  • Taxi
    From Shatin Station, you can take a taxi to the University. The fare is about HK$50. It will take about 15 minutes.
  • MTR train (not recommended if you have bulk luggage)
    Alternatively, from Shatin Station, you can take the train to the University Station (second stop from Shatin). The trains run every 5 to 10 minutes from 06:00 to 24:00. The train ride takes about 9 minutes. The fare is HK$4.5 (using a Single Journey Ticket). There are three exits at University Station—two to the CUHK campus and the other to the public bus terminus and taxi stand. Click here for the CUHK campus map. The University shuttle bus stops are located between the two exits to CUHK. There are different shuttle bus routes stopping at various locations within the campus. Click here for detailed information.

CUHK is situated in the New Territories, away from the business districts of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Reaching CUHK campus by taxi costs about HK$250 from the central business district of Hong Kong Island and costs about HK$180 from Kowloon.

The following links provide information on how to get to and get around CUHK:

Contact Information

Office of Academic Links
Room 1303, Yasumoto International Academic Park
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 3943 7597
Fax: (852) 2603 5402

i-Centre (for student exchange enquiry)
1/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday (8:45am – 5:30pm)
Friday (8:45am – 5:45pm)
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays (Closed)