GlobaLinks June 2024

US-China student dialogue on global issues

The US-China Student-to-Student Dialogue fosters a deep cultural and intellectual exchange among the participants.

The US-China Student-to-Student Dialogue fosters a deep cultural and intellectual exchange among the participants.

The US-China Student-to-Student Dialogue, spearheaded by Georgetown University in collaboration with Fudan University, Peking University and the University of California San Diego, brought students together through a series of online sessions to exchange perspectives on global governance and US-China relations. The programme theme this year was ‘What responsibility do the US and China have towards the Global South’. CUHK was honoured to host the Hong Kong segment of the programme as a conclusion of the year-long dialogue.

During 21-26 May, an in-person assembly took place in Hong Kong. Six students from the CUHK Global Communications programme served as ambassadors to foster cultural exchange with the group, weaving their perspectives into the rich tapestry of this international exchange.

On the first three days, six students from each of the five participating universities, accompanied by faculty and staff members, engaged in a series of thematic discussions and networking activities. Thanks to the China-United States Exchange Foundation’s coordination and sponsorship, meetings with the American Chamber of Commerce, the HKSAR Government Chief Executive’s Policy Unit, South China Morning Post and Goldman Sachs were organised. The following three days were dedicated to project presentations and cultural exchange on the CUHK campus. Prof. Annisa Lee from the School of Journalism and Communications conducted a guest lecture on the intricate ties between Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland and the US. The Hong Kong segment concluded with a curated visit to the Tsz Shan Monastery and an in-depth tour of the historic Central and Sheung Wan districts.

This collaborative endeavour did not only foster a deeper understanding among the participants from different parts of the world, but also served as a vibrant platform for cultural and intellectual exchange, reinforcing the pivotal role of academic dialogue in shaping a more interconnected and empathetic global community.