GlobaLinks March 2023 (Issue 55)

CUHK home to Swedish teaching fellows for the year

Prof. Cecilia Engstrom-Mattisson is greatly impressed by the potential of our medical students.

Prof. Cecilia Engstrom-Mattisson (2nd left) is greatly impressed by the potential of our medical students.

As part of the University’s effort to promote ‘Internationalisation at home’ to allow students to experience global learning without travelling abroad, CUHK has been collaborating with the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) in the Teaching Sabbatical Programme which engages Swedish scholars to teach and conduct research at CUHK. Two fellows, Prof. Cecilia Engstrom-Mattisson from the University of Gothenburg and Prof. Ethan Nowak from Umea University, have been hosted by CUHK during this academic year.

Hosted by the Department of Surgery in the first term, Prof. Engstrom-Mattisson shared her expertise on upper gastrointestinal surgery by giving lectures, tutorials, and bed-side teaching in the clinical setting. She was warmly welcomed by Prof. James Lau, Department Chairman and Prof. Philip Chiu, Division Head of Upper Gastrointestinal and Metabolic Surgery. ‘I am happy for being able to blend into the team and contribute to the transformational journey of young students at CUHK to become medical experts. I am so grateful for this opportunity to broaden my teaching experience and research network and to engage in intellectual interactions with promising CUHK students. I hope my visit will pave way for future exchange of students and researchers in surgery between CUHK and Swedish institutions.’


Prof. Ethan Nowak has a rewarding experience in teaching at the Department of Philosophy.

Prof. Ethan Nowak has a rewarding experience in teaching at the Department of Philosophy.

Prof. Nowak, hosted by the Department of Philosophy, is teaching a seminar course ‘Linguistic and Epistemic Injustice’ this term. ‘I look forward to my teaching every week–it’s always a pleasure to see what perspectives the students have on our topics, and the discussion is always very stimulating and engaging.’ Prof. Nowak is currently working on a research project on Confucian philosophy to explore linguistic phenomena such as politeness and social bonding. He has been greatly benefitted from the exchanges with philosophers of the host department. ‘I’d be very excited to collaborate with CUHK’s students and researchers going forward–I already daydream about being able to visit again!’

The STINT programme is organised annually. Departments which are interested in hosting Swedish fellows under the programme are welcome to contact Ms. Olivia Kwok of the Office of Academic Links.