Seed-corn fund with Manchester geared for early careers inviting applications
CUHK-UoM Seed-corn Fund now opens for application.
CUHK and the University of Manchester (UoM) have established a joint research fund comprising a Seed-corn Fund and a Strategic Research Fund to foster research collaborations of various scales between the two universities. The fund has since enabled 15 pairs of researchers to conduct impactful research in different areas, including advanced materials, cancer, energy and climate change, environment and sustainability, future cities, public health, and translational biomedicine.
The Seed-corn Fund is now open for application, which has been tailored this year to seed new partnerships by providing initial support for high-quality research collaborations that include early career researchers as active members. The aim of the fund is to promote long-term collaborative research projects that can access external funding sources for the next phase of their research.
The fund is open for proposals across all research areas. Up to three projects will be supported with a maximum award of £10,000 per project in this call. Faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of this scheme to strengthen their international collaborations. Application is open until 25 October. Please visit the website for more information.