Sharing new normal for global engagement in LMU-ChAN’s virtual forum
Ms. Shally Fan (3rd row, 1st right) showcases how student exchange can be done virtually.
As a member university of the LMU-China Academic Network hosted by Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU Munich), CUHK took part in a virtual forum organised by LMU Munich during 23-24 November to foster exchange and deepen ties with network members. Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK joined other members of the network to encourage collaboration among network members in a videotaped welcome address.
During the event, a workshop on ‘The New Normal – A New Era of Global Engagement’ was held where Ms. Shally Fan, Director of Academic Links at CUHK, presented on ‘Virtual Learning: Exploring New Opportunities for International Education and Exchange’. She shared about the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Virtual Student Exchange programme which was initiated by CUHK to demonstrate how student exchange can be delivered virtually to rise to the challenge posed by COVID-19 in providing a global and holistic learning experiences to students.
LMU Munich is a leading research university in the world and one of the best in Germany. It formed LMU-ChAN to facilitate collaborative activities with top Chinese universities. Various support schemes are provided by the network to promote collaboration among members. CUHK joined the network in 2016 and has since been actively engaged in its activities.